Four Teams Still Playing Are Good for Baseball

Rockies: Never
Diamondbacks: Once in franchise history
Red Sox: Once since 1920
Indians: Last time in 1948

These are the four have-not teams playing in the two League Championship Series with info on their World Series championships. It’s refreshing. Everybody loves an underdog (except maybe some Yankees fans). Red Sox, money wise, have the advantage. But we still love them … after all, it hasn’t been that long since they broke the curse of the Bambino.

If you really favor underdogs, you have to root for Colorado, both for the way they got to where they are and, mostly, because they’re the only team of the four without a title.

As for me, I’m rooting for two seven-game series, followed by a seven-game World Series. And I’ll be happy no matter who wins.

1 Response to “Four Teams Still Playing Are Good for Baseball”

  1. 1 FireDannyAinge October 13, 2007 at 6:18 am

    I want a Red Sox sweep followed by a Red Sox sweep followed by a Parade:)
    IMO The Red Sox payroll is a lot but when you consider how over paid Drew, Lugo and Manny are the rest of the team is pretty much fairly paid. It isn’t like the Yankees where Jeter, A-Rod, Giambi, Pettite and Clemens are so over paid it makes you want to scream.

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